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Amazing Technology Of Oxymesh®

Oxymesh® Technology is an innovative, patent-pending pillow filling technology that has been developed over a period of 3 years with the supervision of doctors, involving more than 76 product prototypes.

Oxymesh® is a thoroughly researched and revolutionary structure made of resilient thermoplastic polymer that allows for 90% airflow.

It consists of tens of thousands of meters of compressed hypoallergenic fibers with a high elasticity index, ensuring smooth airflow and water flow.

We believe that Oxymesh® is the material of the future. To prove our point, we conducted several tests on commonly used materials.


We will show you 5 different tests comparing Oxymesh® with three types of foams used in pillows and mattresses today: the memory foam, polyurethane foam and latex foam. The results of our studies will be presented below.

Cooling Test

The next test showed the ability to cool down. We put the samples into the oven for 60 minutes and heated them up to 60 degrees Celsius. The temperature of each sample was measured by an electronic thermometer inside the structure and by a thermal camera outside. After being heated up, we let the samples cool down for 10 minutes in a room with a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius. The graph shows the results.

Oxymesh® lost 2.540 times more heat than cheap polyurethane foam.
Oxymesh® lost 5.625 times more heat than memory foam.
Oxymesh® lost 3.351 times more heat than Latex pillow.

Rebound Rate Test

The third test measured the rebound rate of each sample, also called spring rate. The steel ball with a mass of 3kg was dropped from a height of 1.1m. The camera measured the height of ball bounce. The test was conducted multiple times and results are the averaged. The graph shows the results.

Oxymesh® rebounds a 3kg ball over 10 times higher than polyurethane foam (1040%).
Oxymesh® rebounds a 3kg ball over 5 times higher than latexfoam (520%).
Memory foam has almost 0 rebound.

Drying Test

The next test measured the drying speed of each sample. The air humidity in the room was 40% and the temperature was 24.1 degrees Celsius. The samples were submerged underwater for 10 minutes and then they were squeezed to remove water for 10 seconds and left to dry. After 1h, 2h, 6h, 18h, and 24h, we weighed every sample to measure the amount of water left in the structure. We wanted to see which samples would dry completely first. The graph shows the results.

This is tricky because after 24 hours, we stopped trying to dry out the regular pillows as it would take too long. In a very positive scenario for them to completely dry out and in a pretty realistic/negative scenario for our pillow, we could assume that Oxymesh® would dry out 926.716% faster than memory foam and 986.782% faster than polyurethane foam, and 477.352% faster than latex.

Breathability Test

The final test measured the airflow of each sample. This demonstrates how breathable each type of pillow is. The test was conducted using an air compressor with an average speed of 18.72 km/h. We measured the exit speed of the air coming out of each sample using an anemometer. The velocities were measured multiple times for each sample, and the results were averaged.

The test that we conducted provided a somewhat complex evaluation, but we could simplify it to accurately state that Oxymesh® grants 349.25% more airflow than a Latex pillow. The air doesn’t flow through memory foam and polyurethane foam.

Absorption Test

The first test was maximum water absorption. We submerged a sample of each pillow type underwater for 10 minutes. Then we let the samples dry for 60 seconds. The next step was to weigh the samples and calculate how much water each sample absorbed. The results:

Oxymesh® absorbs 5.637 times less water than memory foam.
Oxymesh® absorbs 9.082 times less water than polyurethane foam.
Oxymesh® absorbs 2.201 times less water than latex pillow.


The results of the tests clearly show that Oxymesh® Technology is better than currently used materials. It absorbs far less water, cools down very quickly, is highly elastic, dries in mere hours, and is truly breathable.

Assembly & Use

Despite its hypoallergenic and antibacterial properties, the Oxymesh® products may need occasional washing. That’s where our simple tutorial comes in.

Washing The Structure In 3 Easy Steps:

  1. Cleaning: Depending on the situation, wash the infill as needed. This can be done in the shower with soap and cool water or rinsed outdoors with a hose.
  2. Post-cleaning: Shake off the excess water after washing, then stand it up to dry in a well-ventilated area for quicker drying.
  3. How to preserve Oxymesh®: Avoid exposing the core to direct sunlight and refrain from using heating elements to speed up the drying process to maintain its quality.

Our Commitment To Recycling And Sustainability

At Oxymesh®, we are dedicated to the principles of recycling and sustainability. Our infill, made from a food-grade polymer called Oxymesh®, is designed to be completely recyclable, allowing you to turn your old pillow into a brand new one. With no glue or non-recyclable components, Oxymesh® can be reused in the recycling process, minimizing waste and supporting a circular economy.

We deeply care about our beautiful planet and actively promote green and healthy technological advancements. By utilizing recyclable materials in our infill, such as Oxymesh®, we contribute to reducing our environmental impact and supporting a sustainable future.
Our commitment to recycling extends beyond the pillow’s infill. We also strive to ensure that our pillow covers are recyclable, giving every component of our product the potential for a new life. By making our covers recyclable, we contribute to the longevity of our materials and reduce waste.

In the future, we intend to process our old products ourselves. You can help us with this by choosing Oxymesh®.

Together, we can make a significant difference in preserving the environment for future generations. By choosing Oxymesh® and embracing recycling, you not only provide a safe and comfortable sleep surface for you and your children, but also contribute to a greener and more sustainable world. Thank you for being a part of our journey towards a brighter and healthier future.


Our Breathe-thru pillows are crafted with care using clean, sustainable, and recyclable materials. No foam, glue, latex, or springs. Rest easy knowing you sleep on a safe, non-toxic surface. Choose Oxymesh® for a healthier sleep environment and a greener future.


Our products are designed to stand the test of time and are not intended for single or very short-term use. Many Oxymesh® clients continue to use our products for years, because of its exceptional durability.


Whether through local transfer stations or in the future with the help of our Customer Service team, recycling Oxymesh® infills is a breeze. Customers are very pleased with our eco-friendly approach and continue to inquire about new products from Oxymesh®.